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Are you looking for a way to challenge yourself and get more time outside in 2024?

The 52 Hike Challenge is a program that can help increase physical activity, overall well-being, explore new places, and connect with community and yourself through nature. The distance and location are totally up to you, so you can choose your own adventure!

My 52 Hike Challenge

2023 marks my 5th completion of the 52 hike challenge! Through the years, the 52 Hike Challenge has led me to the highest point in Minnesota, several multi day backpacking trips, and the discovery of beautiful trails that I probably would not have explored otherwise. Hiking once a week has also been a great way to keep moving, build confidence and connect with others along the way. This year, I had the honor of being part of the 52 Hike Challenge ‘Over 50 Outside’ program, a supportive community of women over the age of 50 that are challenging themselves to hike every week and explore the outdoors together. Big thanks to 52 Hike Challenge, Over 50 Outside Community and all of the sponsors for making it a great year!

What This Year’s Challenge Has Meant to Me

This year, more than ever, hiking has been a refuge and opportunity to take time to be quiet, appreciate the beauty of nature and reset my week. Due to some major life changes this year, including going back to grad school, changing careers, and becoming empty nesters, much of the time I normally spend making art and writing has shifted to reading textbooks, doing homework and writing weekly research papers. This year, I have enjoyed hiking after work on Fridays (Happy Hour Hike!), on weekends and still getting in a few SWEET adventures along the way. Prioritizing moving my body outside and overall health and well-being during life’s transitions helps me focus on what’s important and quells some of the feelings of busyness and the temptation to over commit myself. When I’m hiking I can slow my mind and come into the peace of the wild things, as Wendell Berry says…

The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my children’s lives might be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief.  I come into the presence  of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting with their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. 

Wendell Berry

The Hikes!

This year’s 52 Hike Challenge took place in 5 different states and many repeat local trails to prioritize hiking time over driving time (plus there are SO MANY great local spots!). Check out this reel that brings them all together in one montage! Feel free to scroll and dig into the trip report archives to learn more about these beautiful trails!

Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, TX

Crater of Diamonds State Park, AK

French Park, MN

Two Harbors, MN

Afton State Park, MN

Theodore Wirth Park, MN

Lake Harriet (on the frozen Lake!), MN

Tettegouche State park, MN

Crow Hassan Park, MN

Medicine Lake, MN

Grand Canyon, AZ

Elm Creek Park Reserve, MN

Ritter Farm Park, MN

Baker Park Reserve, MN

Willow River State Park,WI

Lake Maria State Park, MN

Silverwood Park, MN

Grand Portage State Park,MN

Grand Marais Artists Point, MN

Superior Hiking Trail, MN

Hyland Park Reserve, MN

Minneapolis Chain of Lakes, MN

Boundary Waters Canoe Area, MN

Mississippi Gateway Regional Park, MN

Enger Park + Superior Hiking Trail, MN

Final Thoughts

Wherever you are at on your hiking journey, embarking on a new challenge or creating a plan for getting outside regularly is a great way to build a habit. Ready to start your own challenge to hike once a week for a whole year? The New Year is a great time to start, but you can start any time!

Next up: I’m keeping my annual tradition of a First Day hike on January 1st to start the year off right and will be sharing my Wandering Pine year in review!

Wandering Pine just turned S E V E N years old! Thank you so much for reading, supporting, and following along over the years! It means so much to me! Wishing you a Happy New Year full of new adventures!

Are you thinking of doing the 52 Hike Challenge or another goal? I’d love to hear about it. Drop me a note in the comments or say a little hello on the Wandering Pine FB & IG.

Happy Trails!


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