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Today is the 107th Birthday of the BSA Scouting movement in America.  As a seasoned scout leader, I spent more time reflecting on what it truly means to be a Scout today than I have in the past.  I woke up bound and determined to do a good turn and dutifully post it on social media, hash tagging this wildly good deed…..and then the day from heck happened.  No photo ops, no staggering good deeds, I was in survival mode.   Looking back, this day provided all the more opportunity to choose how I would respond to the “heck” and whether I would stay on right path.  So…no fancy pictures from today, no fancy hashtag, but here’s a small tribute to my Scouting experience.

5 years ago this week I was packing for North Wind, my first camping trip with the Troop. I became a leader almost immediately after that winter adventure and have had many unforgettable adventures since then….100+ nights camping, a blanket full of patches and close to 500 miles on the trail. In that time, I’ve backpacked to the top of a mountain at Glacier National Park, snorkeled down to the coral reef at Sea Base and many adventures in between.  The most rewarding moments were experiences that I never thought I would be qualified or skilled to lead, (or were downright scary)…and the risk payed off, every time.

img_1203Scouting has taught me so much more than how to tie a knot or read a compass (I’m still working on both!).

I am thankful for all of the amazing experiences Scouting has brought to our family.  It has stretched all of us, brought us together, provided opportunities to serve our community and given us a totally new appreciation for the outdoors while making great friends along the way.  So, today, on Scouting’s birthday, here’s a shout out to all of my Scout peeps.

img_6402.jpgHAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thank you all for doing your best, for serving generously and going above and beyond to help other people at all times.   You inspire me!  #likeascout



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